Worldwide Media Relations
Santa Barbara, California  USA

Steven R. Van Hook, M.A.


        Curriculum Vitae

MBA Program Faculty / Managerial Marketing, Global Business.
 Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology;
New York, NY (2004 --)

International Program Faculty / International Advertising, Marketing in the  
 21st Century, Marketing Communications, World Economies. 
 University of California Extension;
Santa Barbara, CA (2001 --)

Adjunct Management Faculty / Marketing, Global Economics. 
 Antioch University;
Santa Barbara, CA (2002 -)

MBA Program Faculty / Business Communications, Global Management.  
 Cardean University;
Deerfield, Illinois (2000 --)

Grant Selection Panel (Ukraine); International Research & Exchange 
, Washington, D.C. (2001 --)

Web Site Producer; Primedia/About Inc. / aboutpublicrelations.net, 
New York, New York (2001 -- now independently produced)

Project Manager; Ukraine Market Reform Education Program/USAID
 Kiev, Ukraine (1997 - 2000)

Founder & Owner; Worldwide Media Relations / wwmr.org
 Santa Barbara, California (1991 --)

Grand Juror; Santa Barbara County Grand Jury, Santa Barbara, 
 California (1995 - 1996)

Media Relations Director; Krieble Institute, Washington, D.C. (1993 - 1996)

Talk-show Host/Producer; KUHL-AM, Santa Maria, California (1992 - 1993)

Government Issues Director; Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce
 California (1991 - 1994)

Russia Joint-Venture and Marketing Manager; Literaturnaya Gazeta
 Moscow, Russia, USSR (1990 - 1991)

Bureau Chief/Producer/Correspondent; Sun World News Moscow
 Washington, D.C. / Moscow, Russia, USSR (1989 - 1991)

News Director/Anchor/Reporter; California-Oregon Broadcasting (NBC)
 Medford, Oregon (1986 - 1989)

Reporter; KLCC (National Public Radio), Eugene, Oregon (5/85 - 6/86)

Writer/Co-Producer/Narrator, "Away from Home" documentary on culture 
 shock; University of Oregon International Program (11/85 - 1/86)

Features Writer; Oregon Daily Emerald, Eugene, Oregon (1984 - 1985)

Columnist; Southern Oregon Review, Grants Pass, OR (1979 - 1982)

District Manager; Grants Pass Daily Courier, Grants Pass, OR (1980)

Editor; The Oracle, Rogue Community College, (1977 - 1978).

Community Service Coordinator/Intake Officer; Oregon State 
 Department of Corrections
, Klamath Falls, Oregon (1989 - 1990)

Project Coordinator/"McGruff"; Klamath County District Attorney's Crime 
 Prevention Program
, Klamath Falls, OR (1989 - 1990)

Program Officer; Klamath County Interagency Council
 Klamath Falls, Oregon (1989 - 1990)

Financial Need Analyst; University of Oregon (1984 - 1985)

Crisis Counselor; University of Oregon (1984 - 1986)

Steering Committee Member; Josephine County Interagency Council
 Grants Pass, Oregon (1981 - 1984)

Vice President; Josephine County Head Start Program
 Grants Pass, Oregon (1980 - 1982)

Executive Director; "Skills Exchange," Grants Pass, Oregon (1978 - 1984)

VISTA Volunteer; Grants Pass, Oregon (1978 - 1980)

Walden University -- Doctoral student in Education (Ph.D. in 2005)
 Specialty in transcultural distance learning.  

Jones International University -- M.A., Business Communications (2000) 
 Certified in New Technologies in Business Communications (1999)

Cardean University, Deerfield, Illinois -- Credentialed Instructor, 
 Effective Communications (2000); Credentialed Instructor, Fundamentals of 
 Global Management (2001)

Stanford University, Center for Professional Development, 
Stanford, California -- Telecommunications Series (2000)

UCLA Extension, Los Angeles, California 
 Technical Writing / Business Plans (2000)

Southern California Institute of Law, Santa Barbara, California 
 Contracts, Torts, Criminal Law (1996)

University of Oregon, School of Journalism, B.A., Journalism (1986)

Rogue Community College, Grants Pass, Oregon 
 A.G.S., Humanities (1983)

Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, California
 Liberal Arts studies (1976)

Culbertson Scholarship for Academic Excellence 
 University of Oregon (1984-86)

American Association of University Professors
American Educational Research Association
United Nations Association
Santa Barbara Media Committee
Committee to Protect Journalists


Jaycees Young Person of the Year
Commendation from US Senator Mark Hatfield
Commendation from ACTION Director Sam Brown
Citation from Veterans of Foreign Wars


"Let's recognize a lot of (Van Hook's) hard and intelligent work."
Southern Oregon Review
"... A spunky fighter..."
The Oregonian
"Van Hook knew the town needed help...the payoff a more active, independent, skilled community."
Current Consumer Magazine
"... Van Hook set up a diverse program teaching a wide range of skills."
Christian Science Monitor
